List of Full Text Publications
The publications on this website/blog are full text of articles listed under “My Publications” in alphabetic order.
- A cystic hepatic lesion: When to Worry?
- A Caribbean Perspective
- A Case Report of Blunt Cardiac Rupture
- A Case of Malignancy in a Thyroglossal Duct Cyst – Recommendations for Management
- A Comparison of the Celiacomesenteric Trunk in the Caribbean with Global Prevalence Calculated by a Systematic Review
- A Giant Gallstone: The Largest Gallstone Removed Laparoscopically in the World
- A Large Solitary Squamous Papilloma of the Upper Oesophagus Causing Severe Dysphagia
- A Management Algorithm for Retained Rectal Foreign Bodies.
- A primary Ovarian Leiomyosarcoma with Micro Invasive Features stage Is Surgical Excision Enough – Letter to the Editor
- A Rare Complication of Silicone Breast Implant Rupture
- A rare case of bilateral congenital metarsal
- A safe surgical approach to giant intrarenal AV Fistula and Aneurysm
- A study of anatomical varaiants and congenital anomalies of the biliary tree in a caribbean population
- A subcutaneous uterus with unusual presenting features
- Abrikossoff Tumor Clinically Mimicking Carcinoma in Accessory Axillary Breast Tissue
- Accessory Inferior Sulci of the Liver in an Afro – Caribbean Population
- Achenbach’s Syndrome Revisited The Paroxysmal Finger Hematoma May Have a Genetic Link
- Achondroplasia and Pregnancy
- Actinomycosis of the Liver
- Acute Gastric Dilatation With Ischemia and Perforation Requiring Emergency Total Gastrectomy A Case of Suspected Abdominal Compartment Syndrome
- Acute pancreatitis due to hypertriglycerdemia a case series of West Indians of Asian Indian Ancestry
- Ademoyosis Uteri Study of 416 Cases
- Adult intussusception in Trinidad
- Advances in the Management of Acute Popliteal Vascular Blunt Injuries
- Advancement of laparoscopic surgery in Guyana: a working model for developing countries.
- Adverse events in diabetic foot infections: a case control study comparing early versus delayed medical treatment after home remedies
- An Analysis of Begin Breast Disease and Ethnicity in Trinidad: Letter to the editor
- An Audit of Clinician Compliance with Best Practice Recommendations to Repair Severe Obstetric Anal Sphincter Injuries.
- An Evaluation of Horizontal Equity in surgical care for gallstone disease in a Caribbean country
- An Investigative Study of Hepatic Arterial Anomalies in a West Indian Population
- Anatomic and clinical rationale of the V-sign to detect accessory axillary breast tissue.
- Anatomic variations of the intra-hepatic biliary tree in the Caribbean A systematic review
- Aortic aneurysmorraphy without blood transfusion or ileus the exclusion operation
- Arterial Embolism in Malignancy: The Role of Surgery
- Arteriomesenteric Duodenal Compression Following Head Injury
- Association between hepatic surface grooves and daiphragmatic slips
- Author’s Reply
- Author’s Reply: Causes of re-recurrence after polytetrafluoroethylene patch saphenoplasty for recurrent varicose veins.
- Author’s Reply: Cost-effective carotid endarterectomy.
- Author’s Reply: A combined fascia and mesh closure of large incisional hernias.
- Axillary Artery Injury Accompanying Humeral Neck Fracture
- Bariatric Surgery in the Caribbean: Is it safe in a Low-Volume, Third World Setting?
- Bariatric Surgery in the Management of childhood obesity
- Benign Breast Disease in a West Indian Population
- Benign cervical multi-nodular goiter presenting with acute airway obstruction: a case report.
- Blood Utilization for Elective General Surgery
- Blood utilization for elective general surgery at the Port of Spain General Hospital
- Breast Cancer in Trinidad
- Breast Cancer in West Indian Women in Trinidad
- Breast Disease in young West Indian Women an analysis of 1051 consecutive cases
- Caecal Carcinoma Presenting as Acute Appendicitis in Childhood
- Cecal volvulus and mucocele of the appendix
- Cancer of the alimentary tract in a West Indian population a Trinidad study
- Caribbean “substitution culture” is a barrier to effective treatment of persons with diabetic foot infections
- Caroli’s disease associated with a gastric diverticulum
- Carotid Endarterectomy using the eversion method: Technique and advantages
- Carcinoma of the Penis in the West Indies: A Trinidad study
- Carcinoma of the Colon in an Adolescent
- Case report of metastatic breast cancer mimicking ileal Crohn’s disease
- Cat scratch disease of the upper limb with ulnar nerve involvement
- Causes of re recurrence after polytetrafluroethlene
- Centralization of surgery is it applicable to less populous nations
- Cervical leverage A new procedure to deliver deep retrosternal goitres without thoracotomy.
- Cigarette lighter thumb: Letter to Editor
- Clear Cell Carcinoma of the Male Urethra Presenting as Periurethral Abscess with Fistulae
- Clinical outcomes after major hepatectomy are acceptable in low-volume centers in the Caribbean.
- Clinical Review Article – “The Current Management of the Difficult Duodenum”
- Closure of traumatic wounds without cleaning and suturing
- Colorectal resections for malignancy A pilot study comparing
- Comparing the results of penetrating colon injuries based on intervention by surgeons with different levels of experience in West Indies
- Control of the bleeeding gallbladder bed using a pedicled falciform: Case Report
- Compartment Syndrome due to Reperfusion Injury
- Concept of a Duct-to-Mucosa Pancreaticojejunostomy
- Conservative Management for Idopathic Granulomatous Mastitis Mimicking Carcinoma: Case Reports and Literature Review
- Conservative Management of Gunshot Wound to Anterior Abdomen in a Resource-Poor Setting in the Caribbean
- Cost effective carotid endarterectomy
- Colonic Foreign Body Retrieval Using a Modified TAMIS Technique with Standard Instruments and Trocars
- Complex liver resections for colorectal metastases are they safe in the low-volume resource-poor Caribbean setting – A case report
- Complications of Diverticulosis Coli The Pattern of an Emerging Disease Entity
- Control of the bleeding gall bladder bed using a pedicled falciform ligament flap based on the left inferior phrenic artery and middle segment hepatic artery – Case Note
- Congenital Dual Internal Hernias Causing Small Bowel Obstruction in a Man with no Prior Surgical History A Report of a Very Rare Case
- Colorectal resections for malignancy- A pilot study comparing conventional vs freehand robot-assisted laparoscopic colectomy – PMC
- Correspondence: In situ femoral, popliteal and distal limb salvage.
- Covid-19 in the West Indies: Trinidad and Tobago Experience
- CT guided appendicectomy incision A prospective case series.
- Cutaneous Myiasis due to dermatobia hominis in Trinidad
- Delayed repair of fractured penis a new technique
- Delayed splenic abscess after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy: Case Report
- Destination Unknown:A Unique Case of Metastatic Colorectal Carcinoma to the Breast, Axilla and Skin
- Diagnostic peritoneal lavage using a trocar-mounted chest tube – Ideas and Innovations
- Dirofilariasis of the breast
- Disaster Preparedness in the Caribbean A Trinidad Experience
- Distended bladder presenting with constipation and venous obstruction: a case report
- Declaration of a State of Emergency in Trinidad and Tobago: Effect on the Trauma Admissions at the National Referral Trauma Centre
- Diverticular disease in the West Indies a Trinidad study
- Duodenal Obstruction due to swallowed Nasogastric Tube – Case Report
- Early Hospital Discharge Following Breast Cancer Surgery in the West Indies a Trinidad Study
- Early Onset Breast Cancer in Black British Women : Letter to the editor
- Effects of Bariatric Surgery on Type 2 DM in a Caribbean Setting
- Embolización guiada por catéter previa resección exitosa de carcinoma de células renales gigante invadiendo la aurícula derecha -Catheterization embolization before successful surgical resection of a gigantic renal cell carcinoma invading the right atrium
- Emergency Thoracotomy – Isolated Internal Thoracic Artery Injury
- Emergency Thyroidectomy for Acute Respiratory Distress in a Patient with Anaplastic Thyroid Carcinoma: A Case Report and Review of the Literature.
- Emphysematous Mastitis with Necrotizing Fasciitis, a Rare Devastating Complication of Hydrogel Injection Into the Breasts – A Wake up Call for Women Considering Breast Augmentation.
- Endometritotic Rectosigmoid Obstruction presenting with a frozen pelvis mimicking carcinoma
- Endoscopic endonasal repair of a cerebrospinal fluid leak secondary to a meningoencephalocele using a posterior-based middle turbinate flap.
- Endoscopic thyroid surgery in the Caribbean: A case report of the first clinical experience
- Endovascular Revascularization and Outcomes of Critical Limb-Threatening Ischemia in Trinidad and Tobago
- Epidemiology and Classification of Extensive Volar Wrist Lacerations The Spaghetti Wrist
- Epidemiology of diabetic foot infections in an eastern Caribbean population a prospective study.
- Epidemiology of Neuroendocrine Tumors in an Eastern Caribbean nation A Retrospective Study
- Extra-adrenal perirenal myleolipoma.A case report and review of literature
- Extrautrine leiomyomata presenting with sepsis requiring hemicolectomy
- Evolution of SILS Cholecystectomy in the Caribbean The Direct Transfascial Puncture Technique Using Conventional Instruments without Working Ports – Case Reports
- Evaluation of patterns of venous reflux on duplex scan and its clinical significance in a Caribbean population a prospective study
- Familial Bilateral Multiple Fibroadenomas of the Breast
- Fish bone perforation of small bowel mimicking acute appendicitis
- Fracture of the penis treatment and complications
- Fractured Tibia & Fibula due to erotic dancing: A Trinidad Experience
- Fracture of the penis
- Fracture of the Penis: A review
- Fracture of the Penis with Urethral Rupture
- Free perforation of Ileal Tubercular Ulcer – A case report and literature review
- Gall Bladder disease in Trinidad
- Gallstone ileus 1 year after cholecystectomy
- Gastric Carcinoma in the West Indies Trinidad Study
- Gauze packing for Aspirin induced hemorrhage in vaginal hysterectomy : Case Report
- Gauze packing and planned reoperation for splenic trauma in the presence of coagulopathy
- Gender Influence on Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Surgery in a Caribbean Population
- Giant intrarenal arteriovenous fistula and aneurysm- a safe surgical approach
- Giant Submandibular Gland Calculi
- Gossypiboma A diagnostic dilemma
- Gossypiboma Presenting as an Atypical Intra-Abdominal Cyst: A Case Report
- Granuala Cell myoblastoma of the breast
- Granular Cell Tumors of the Vulva
- Hartmann operation 100 years later Time to think and Stop
- Hepatic surface grooves in an Afro-Caribbean population a cadaver study
- Hepatic surface grooves in Trinidad and Tobago
- Hepatobiliary cystadenomas – Letters and Comments (Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2014; 96:326-327)
- Hepatic Artery Ligation
- Hourglass Epidermoid Inclusion Cyst : An Unusual Clinical Presentation
- Human liver umbilical fissure variants pons hepatis ligamentum teres tunnel
- Hypercalcaemia in primary squamous cell carcinoma of the stomach
- Idiopathic Granulomatous Orchitis – Case Report
- Idiopathic thyroid abscess – Case Report
- Incarcerated Femoral Hernia Presenting As Chronic Nonspecific Groin Pain In A Young Male – A Very Rare Case Report With Literature
- Impact of a medical university on laparoscopic surgery in a service-oriented public hospital in the Caribbean.
- In Situ vein bypasses to distal tibial and limited outflow tracts for limb salvage
- Inferior Hepatic Fissures: Anatomic Variants in Trinidad and Tobago
- Inguinal hernia and airport scanners an emerging indication for repair – A case report
- Immediate breast reconstruction following segmentectomy using a latissimus dorsi ‘myoadipose’ flap through a single axillary incision: A case series
- Immediate Latissimus Dorsi Myocutaneous Flap Reconstruction In Giant Phyllodes Tumor Of Breast–A Report Of Two Cases With Literature Review
- Infraction of fibroadenoma of the breast
- Intussusception in Trinidad
- Intramuscular Myxoma of the Gluteal region presenting as sciatica like symptoms.
- Injury to diabetic feet by thumb tacks – Corrsepondence
- Is Antibiotic Therapy Necessary for the Management of Acute Uncomplicated Diverticulitis – A Prospective Comparative Study
- Is Laparoscopic Appendectomy Safe When Performed in a Low Volume Setting?
- Is it worth diagnosing early Prostate Cancer?
- Isolated Perforation of Multiple Jejunal Diverticulae A Very Rare Cause of Acute Abdomen
- Ivermectin treatment of mansonellosis
- Isolated endometriosis causing sigmoid colon obstruction – A Case report.
- Isolated Sigmoid Colon Perforation Secondary to Blunt Abdominal Trauma
- Jejunal Intussusception Due to Heterotopic Pancreas A Case Report
- Laparoscopic Management of a Large Splenic Cyst – Case Report
- Laparoscopic Repair of Sportman’s Hernia – The Trinidad Experience.
- Laparoscopic removal of a gallbladder remnant in a patient with severe biliary pancreatitis – Case Report
- Laparoscopic cholecystectomy in sickle cell disease patients: Does operating time matter?
- Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Analysis of 619 Consecutive Cases in a Caribbean Setting
- Laparoscopic Completion Cholecystectomy: An Audit from the Americas Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association (AHPBA) Caribbean Chapter
- Laparscopic Heller’s Myotomy
- Laparoscopic Liver Resection by Distance Mentoring – Trinidad to Barbados: A Report
- Laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication for Improved Gastrointestinal Symptoms and Quality of Life
- Laparoscopic Diverticulectomy for Massive Hemorrhage in a Duodenal Diverticulum: A Case Report
- Laparoscopic Splenectomy in a Minimal Resource Setting : A Case series from the Caribbean
- Laparoscopic Management of a Massive Splenic Cyst :Case Report
- Laparoscopic resection of a retroperitoneal myolipoma presenting in a right inguinal hernia.
- Laparoscopic repair of a rare acquired abdominal intercostal hernia – A case Report
- Largest giant juvenile fibroadenoma of the breast
- Largest Neglected Parosteal Lipoma of The World Presented as Deep Vein Thrombosis of The Lower Limb – An Extremely Rare Presentation
- Late Delayed Repair of Fractured Penis :Case Report
- Late small bowel obstruction after blunt abdominal trauma
- Letter to the Editor about: Penile Fracture – Penoscrotal approach with degloving of penis after Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
- Lessons Learned after Iatrogenic Complete Transection of the Right Common Carotid Artery with Segmental Vessel Loss
- Local repair of a secondary Aortoenteric fistula in a Unstable Patient in a resource – Poor Setting
- Lower Limb Amputations in Trinidad Analysis of 576 cases
- Lateral approach to the Profunda Femoris Artery
- Lower limb bypass for intermittent claudication: Is it really worth the Risk?
- Major Lower Limb Amputations in Trinidad: A Retrospective Analysis
- Major Lower Limb Amputations: Recognizing Pitfalls
- Malignant Papillary peritoneal mesothelioma presenting as recurrent adhesion obstruction during surgery A Case Report.
- Malignant fibrous histiocytoma causing fatal ileal perforation
- Malrotation of the midgut in laparoscopic Roux en Y gastric bypass
- Management of Hyperthyroidism in Trinidad and Tobago
- Management of Nonparasitic Hepatic Cysts
- Management of Penile Fracture
- Management of Giant Fibroadenomas: Letter to the editor
- Mango seed causing acute large bowel obstruction in descending colon worlds first reported case
- Managing the Open Abdomen in Damage Control Surgery Should Skin-Only Closure be Abandoned
- Massive ascites due to omental endometriosis
- Massive Rectal Hemorrhage From a Stercoral Ulcer
- Mesenetric Venous Thrombosis and Oral Contraceptive Use
- Microbial Profile of Diabetic Foot Infections in Trinidad and Tobago
- Missile Injurry by a Weed Wacker resulting in a False Aneurysm of the Brachial Artery
- Myiasis due to Dermatobia Hominis in Trinidad
- Malignant papillary peritoneal mesothelioma presenting as recurrent adhesion obstruction in general surgery : Case Report
- Mammogramic screening is it relevant to developing countries
- Management of Hyperthyroidism in Trinidad and Tobago
- McBurney’s point are we missing it
- Missile Injury by a weedwacker resulting in a false aneurysm of the brachial artery
- Minimally Invasive Surgery in the Management of Adhesive Small Bowel Obstruction: A Rare Case
- Minimally Invasive Parathyroidectomy in a Child With Acute Pancreatitis
- Modified hanging manoeuvre facilitates inferior vena cava resection and reconstruction during extended right hepatectomy A technical case report.
- Multicenter Study of Laparoscopic Common Bile Duct Exploration for Choledocholithiasis in the English-Speaking Caribbean
- Multiple Urethral Stones Causing Penile Gangrene – Case Report
- Minilap cholecystectomy – A real substitute for laparoscopic cholecystectomy
- Minimally invasive oesophagectomy: The first case report of a thoracolaparoscopic oesophagectomy done in the Caribbean
- Morphology of the caudate lobe of the liver in a Caribbean Population
- Non-Degloving Simple Repair of Fractured Penis – Letter to the editor
- Non- Surgical Pneumoperitoneum after oro-genital intercourse.
- Necrotizing Fascitis: Myalgia is diagnostic? A case series and literature reviews
- Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infections of the Breast A Potentially Lethal Surgical Emergency
- Necrotizing Fasciitis of the Breast Requiring a Life-Saving Mastectomy A Case Report and Literature Review
- Neuropathic Ulceration
- Obstructed left colon one stage surgery in a developing country
- Obstructing carcinoma of the left colon managed by subtotal colectomy
- Obturator Hernia Repair A New Technique
- Ogilivie’s Syndrome: The rectal balloon sign
- Open common bile duct exploration without T-tube insertion two decade experience from a limited resource setting in the Caribbean
- Open Mini Access Ureterolithotomy: the treatment of choice for the refractory ureteric stone?
- Operating During the COVID-19 Pandemic An Emerging Indication for Minilaparotomy Cholecystectomy
- Osesophagectomy without Thoracotomy
- Pancreato Enteric Anastomosis The Duct Evgination Technique
- Pancreatic Pseudocyst: Combined Single Incision Laparoscopic Cystogastrostomy and Cholecystectomy in a Resource Poor Setting
- Paget von Schroetter Syndrome Secondary to Exotic Dancing
- Penile Refracture
- Paraclavicular approach to thoracic decompression with axillary to internal jugular vein bypass using synthetic conduit for Paget – Schroetter Syndrome – a case report and literature review
- Perforated left-sided diverticulitis with faecal peritonitis: is the Hinchey classification the best guide for surgical decision making?
- Penile Fracture Repair: Assessment of early results and complications using colour doppler ultrasound (Letter to the editor)
- Perioperative outcome of carotid endarterectomy with regional anesthesia: two decades of experience from the Caribbean
- Peritoneal Encapsulation A preoperative diagnosis is possible
- Peritoneal Mesothelioma
- Peroneal artery bypass: A reappraisal of its value in limb salvage
- Phosphate Enema Causing Life-Threatening Rectal Perforation
- Post menopausal breast abscess
- Primary non gestational choriocarcinoma of the ovary
- Primary repair of colon injuries
- Primary Retroperitoneal Serous Cysts Adenoma A Case Report and Literature Review
- Primary Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of The Breast- The First Reported Rare Breast Cancer From The Caribbean Countries
- Prospective study of primary anastomosis without colonic lavage for patients with an obstructed left colon
- Penile refracture in Kermanshah Iran, Report of 172 cases J Urol, 164, 364- 366 2000. – Letter to the editor
- Puncture Wounds in the Diabetic Foot : Importance of X-Ray in Diagnosis
- Paraphimosis due to erotic dancing :Case Report
- Pit Bull attack causing limb threatening vascular trauma -A case series.
- Preoperative Digital carotid compression as a predictor of the need for shunting during carotid endarterectomy.
- Papillary Thyroid Adenocarcinoma arising in a Thyroglossal Tract Remnant following excision of a Thyroglossal Cyst: The importance of the SisTrunk Procedure: Case Report
- Portal vein thrombosis following laparoscopic cholecystectomy complicated by dengue viral infection : Case Report
- Patterns of arteriosclerotic lesions of the lower extremity in a West Indian population based on angiographic findings and ethnicity
- Penile Carcinoma in Northern Trinidad and Tobago.
- Quality of Life Experienced by Major Lower Limb Extremity Amputees
- Question of Patients versus Clients
- Rat Bites in the Diabetic Foot: Clinical Clues
- Rare liver tumor: symptomatic giant von Meyenburg complex.
- Rectus sheath haematoma a new set of diagnostic features : Case Report
- Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Does not Lie in TE Groove
Rectus Repair for midline ventral abdominal wall hernia - Recurrent gastric outlet obstruction due to an inguinal hernia
- Relationship of Ethnicity and Histologic Type of Breast Carcinoma in a West Indian Population – Letter to the Editor
- Relationship between vasa vasorum and blood flow to vein bypass endothelial vein morphology
- Renal Cell Carcinoma Presenting as a Tongue Lesion
- Results from a Cardiovascular Prevention Campaign in Persons Aged 45-64 Years
- Response from Dilip Dan to Commentary from INGE on Case Report OBSU D 09 00159 : Letter to the editor
- Response to: Importance of time in management of fracture penis: A prospective study
- Retrograade Throidectomy: A technique for Visualization and Preservation of the External Branch of the Superior Laryngeal Nerve – Case Report
- Retrograde Thyroidectomy for preservation of the External Branch of the Superior Laryngeal Nerve: A Case Series
- Robot-Assisted Common Bile Duct Exploration in Trinidad & Tobago
- Robot-Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery First Report from the Caribbean
- Role of oral antibiotics for prophylaxis against surgical site infections after elective colorectal surgery.
- Review Article On The Management Of Pancreatic Fistulae
- Ruptured Mycotic Iliac Artery Aneurysm in a Young Female Patient: A Case report and literature review
- Surgical Glove use for Specimen Removal in Laparoscopy, the Cheapest Available: A Prospective Study
- Surgical leadership in the time of significant generational diversity – Letter to the Editor
- Sarcoid aortic aneurysm surgical difficulties
- Second Fracture of the ipsilateral corpus cavernosum: Case Report
- Secondary Prevention of Diabetic Foot Infections in a Caribbean Nation A call for Improved patient education
- Segmental Colectomy for bleeding diverticular disease guided by the PEEP test
- Segmental Infraction of the Omentum diagnosis by ultrasound
- Self-directed treatment for lower limb wounds in persons with diabetes a short report.
- Severe intestinal psedo-obstruction withdrawal from over the counter steroid abuse :Case Report
- Severe Mental Illness: A Contraindication to Watchful Waiting in Hernia Management?
- Severe Perineal Lacerations in Obstetric Practice The Effect of Institutional Practice Guidelines on Repair Failures in a Single Centre.
- Severe Pretibial Myxedema: Case Report
- Simple repair of fractured penis
- Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery: Feasibility of the Direct Fascial Puncture Technique Without Working Trocars.
- Six fold suture wound length ratio for abdominal closure: Letters and comments
- Slow Decompression of the bladder using an intravenous giving set
- Small Bowel Intussception a rare complication of renal cell carcinoma : Letter to the editor
- Small Bowel Obstruction Caused by an Aggressive Weight Loss Diet in a Patient With No Predisposing Factors
- Small Bowel Volvulus due to Ileocecal Valve Failure Secondary to an Obstructing Rectal Adenocarcinoma First Reported Case
- Solid Pseudopapillary Neoplasms of the Pancreas: A Report of Two Cases.
- Splenic Abscess arsising from acute cholecystitis : A case Report
- Splenic flexure Volvulus
- Splenic Rupture Mimicking Dengue Shock Syndrome
- Splenic Salvage
- Splenic Artery Psuedoaneurysm Causing Massive Rectal Bleeding
- Spontaneous rupture of liver haemangioma A case report and review of literature
- Sports Femoral Hernia in a Young Female Weightlifter -The first reported case in the World.
- Strangulated perforated hiatus hernia due to pyloric stenosis :Case Report
- Strong linea alba: Myth or reality?
- Students’ Rating on Effectiveness of Problem Based Learning and Skille Laboratory Training in the Phase I MBBS Program
- Successful Hand Replantation Augmented by Delayed Pedicled Fascio-Cutaneous Groin Flap in an Adult Laborer: A Case Report and Literature Review
- Successful penile replantation using loupe magnification
- Successful Replantation of Severed Limbs
- Suggestions for clarity in Medical Writing
- Surgical treatment of penile fracture: Letter to the Editor
- Surgical relevance of anatomic variations of the right hepatic vein
- Surgeons’ attitudes toward mechanical bowel preparation in the 21st centrury A survey of the Caribbean College of Surgeons
- Surgery in the West Indies A perspective from Trinidad
- Sutureless Retrograde Thyroidectomy using Ligasure – A Prospective Study
- Swiss Roll Operation for Giant Fibroadenomas: Case Report
- Synchronic volvulus of splenic flexture and caecum: a very rare cause of large bowel obstruction -Case Report
- Taking the next step in 2005, the year of the diabetic foot.
- Testicular tumors in Trinidad
- The appendix and the inguina canal Amyands hernia a case report
- Caged Bird Sign of achalasia: A Case Series Describing a New Radiologic Sign that can be Reliably used in a Resource Poor Setting to Diagnose Achalasia
- The Diabetic Foot A Caribbean perspective
- The hanging manoeuver to complete liver resection for a locally advanced angiosarcoma: A case report
- The impact of the ATLS course on traffic accident mortality in Trinidad and Tobago
- The impact of Breast Clinic on the Mastectomy and Axillary Clearance Rates at a Tertiary Hospital in an Eastern Caribbean Nation: A comparative study
- The Knowledge Attitude and Practice of Diabetic Patients at a Tertiary Hospital in an Eastern Caribbean Nation A Cross-Sectional Study
- The Original Rutherford Morison Incision: A case report
- Therapeutic Outcomes of Aggressive Pancreatic Resections for Solid Pseudopapillary Neoplasms in a Minimal Volume Centre in the Caribbean
- The slipping slipper sign a marker of severe peripheral diabetic neuropathy and foot sepsis
- The Use of the Long Saphenous Vein for Lower Limb Salvage: The Evolution of the In situ Bypass Part 1
- The Use of the Long Saphenous Vein for Lower Limb Salvage: Technique and Results of In situ Saphenous Vein Bypass Part 2 a
- The Use of the Long Saphenous Vein for Lower Limb Salvage: Technique and Results of In situ Saphenous Vein Bypass Part 2 b
- Thrombosed Varix Of The External Jugular Vein: Diagnostic Considerations
- Thyroid disease in Trinidad
- Thyroid surgery without drainage 15 years of clinical experience
- Tracheoesophageal Fistula following blunt chest trauma
- Transperitoneal Exclusion A simple third world solution
- Treatment of Breast Lumps in the Teenager
- Treatment of Infra-renal Aorto-Iliac
- Trends in breast cancer mortality in Trinidad and Tobago A 35 Year Study
- Trichobezoar presenting with comma sign in Rapunzel Syndrome a case report and literature review
- Trauma surgery via distance mentoring A model inspired by the 2020 pandemic
- Tuberculosis of the Breast
- Technical note rapid, large volume resuscitation at resuscitative thoracotomy by intracardiac catheterization.
- The Bra Sign in Breast Cancer – Letter to the Editor
- The economic impact of hospitalization for diabetic foot infections in a Caribbean nation.
- The effectiveness of conservative management for retropharyngeal abscesses greater than 2 cm.
- The history of laparoscopic general surgery in the Caribbean.
- The impact of hereditary colorectal cancer on the Indian population.
- The largest and neglected giant phyllodes tumor of the breast – A case report and literature review.
- The liver and Chilaiditi’s syndrome Significance of hepatic surface grooves – Case Report
- The ‘Modified Coconut bandage’ An innovative new technique for Giant Inguino-scrotal hernia- A prospective case series
- The Pushing Sign for Early Skin Tethering in Breast Cancer
- The steel pan sign of sigmoid volvulus-A case series.
- The ‘Saw Tooth’ operation for giant fibroadenomas.
- The use of loupe Magnification in Microsurgery in the Third-World A Trinidad Experience
- The Use of Autologous Platelet Rich Plasma as an adjunct for chronically infected wounds in the Orthopedic Patient
- Topical soft candle applications for infected diabetic foot wounds a cause for concern
- Total Umbilical Reconstruction Using a Tri-Radiate Incision Technique
- Totally Laparoscopic Whipple’s Operation Initial Report from the Caribbean
- Types of Ulcers of Lower Extremity
- Thyroidectomy: Indications, Technique and Perioperative Care.
- Ulcers of the Lower Extremity
- Umbilical Pilondial Sinus: A New Treatment Technique of Sinus Excision with Umbilical Presentation
- Urgent Carotid Endararectomy for Acute Cerebral: A Trinidad Experience
- Urachal carcinoma : Diagnosis by combined Laparoscopy and cystoscopy : Case Report
- Urgent carotid endarterectomy for acute cerebral: A Trinidad experience
- Upper limb ischemic gangrene as a complication of hemodialysis access.
- Urachal carcinoma diagnosis by combined Laparoscopy and cystoscopy
- Venous gangrene secondary to an aorto-caval fistula
- Vitamin E Therapy in Fibrocystic Breast Disease
- Volvulus of ileum: a rare cause of small bowel obstruction – Case Report
- Ward-rounds: Role in Clinical Teaching and Learning in Contemporary Medicine
- When can revascularization be limited to the isolated popliteal artery? -Letter to the editor
- Whipple’s operation with a modified centralization concept_ A model in low-volume Caribbean centers
- Whipple’s pancreaticoduodenectomy at a resource-poor, low-volume center in Trinidad and Tobago
- Whipple’s procedure for pancreatic cancer training and the hospital environment are more important than volume alone
- World’s Oldest Case of Synchronous Bilateral Benign Phyllodes Tumors of the Breast: A Rare Occurrence