Publications D, E , F

Destination Unknown: A Unique Case of Metastatic Colorectal Carcinoma to the Breast, Axilla and Skin

Disater Preparedness in the Caribbean A Trinidad Experience

Diverticular disease in the West Indies a Trinidad study

Distended bladder presenting with constipation and venous obstruction: a case report

Declaration of a State of Emergency in Trinidad and Tobago: Effect on the Trauma Admissions at the National Referral Trauma Centre

Delayed repair of fractured penis a new technique

Diagnostic peritoneal lavage using a trocar-mounted chest tube – Ideas and Innovations

Dirofilariasis of the breast

Early Hospital Discharge Following Breast Cancer Surgery in the West Indies: a Trinidad Study

Effects of Bariatric Surgery on Type 2 DM in a Caribbean Setting

Embolización guiada por catéter previa resección exitosa de carcinoma de células renales gigante invadiendo la aurícula derecha -Catheterization embolization before successful surgical resection of a gigantic renal cell carcinoma invading the right atrium

Emergency Thoracotomy – Isolated Internal thoracic Artery Injury

Emergency thyroidectomy for acute respiratory distress in a patient with anaplastic thyroid carcinoma: a case report and review of the literature

Emphysematous mastitis with necrotizing fasciitis, a rare devastating complication of hydrogel injection into the breasts- a wake up call for women considering breast augmentation

Endometritotic Rectosigmoid Obstruction presenting with a frozen pelvis mimicking carcinoma


Epidemiology and Classification of Extensive Volar Wrist Lacerations The Spaghetti Wrist

Epidemiology of Neuroendocrine Tumors in an Eastern Caribbean nation A Retrospective Study

Extrautrine leiomyomata presenting with sepsis requiring hemicolectomy

Endoscopic thyroid surgery in the Caribbean: A case report of the first clinical experience

Epidemiology of diabetic foot infections in an eastern Caribbean population a prospective study.

Evaluation of patterns of venous reflux on duplex scan and its clinical significance in a Caribbean population a prospective study

Evolution of SILS Cholecystectomy in the Caribbean The Direct Transfascial Puncture Technique Using Conventional Instruments without Working Ports – Case Reports

Extrauterine leiomyomata presenting with sepsis requiring hemicolectomy.

Early Onset Breast Cancer in Black British WomenLetter to the editor

Familial Bilateral Multiple Fibroadenomas of the Breast

Fish bone perforation of small bowel mimicking acute appendicitis

Fracture of the penis

Fracture of the Penis: A Review

Fracture of the penis treatment and complications

Fractured Tibia & Fibula due to erotic dancing: A Trinidad Experience

Fracture of the Penis with Urethral Rupture

Free perforation of ileal tubercular ulcer: a case report and literature review