Publications S, T
Sports Femoral Hernia in a Young Female Weightlifter -The first reported case in the World.
Successful Penile Replantation Using Loupe Magnification
Surgical glove use for specimen removal in laparoscopy, the cheapest available: a prospective study
Surgical leadership in the time of significant generational diversity: Letter to the Editor
Sutureless Retrograde Thyroidectomy using Ligasure – A Prospective Study
Sarcoid aortic aneurysm surgical difficulties
Segmental Colectomy for bleeding diverticular disease guided by the PEEP test
Segmental Infraction of the Omentum diagnosis by ultrasound
Sentinel lymph node biopsy in Gastrointestinal malignancies – Where do we stand?
Simple repair of fractured penis
Small Bowel Intussception a rare complication of renal cell carcinoma : Letter to the editor
Six fold suture wound length ratio for abdominal closure: Letters and comments
Solid Pseudopapillary Neoplasms of the Pancreas: A Report of Two Cases.
Splenic Rupture Mimicking Dengue Shock Syndrome
Splenic artery psuedoaneurysm causing massive per rectal bleeding
Strong linea alba: Myth or reality?
Successful penile replantation using loupe magnification
Successful Replantation of Severed Limbs
Surgical treatment of penile fracture: Letter to the Editor
Second Fracture of the ipsilateral corpus cavernosum: Case Report
Severe Pretibial Myxedema: Case Report
Severe intestinal psedo-obstruction withdrawal from over the counter steroid abuse :Case Report
Strangulated perforated hiatus hernia due to pyloric stenosis :Case Report
Swiss Roll Operation for Giant Fibroadenomas: Case Report
Self-directed treatment for lower limb wounds in persons with diabetes a short report.
Slow Decompression of the bladder using an intravenous giving set
Splenic Abscess arsising from acute cholecystitis : A case Report
Suggestions for clarity in Medical Writing
Surgery in the West Indies A perspective from Trinidad
Spontaneous rupture of liver haemangioma A case report and review of literature
Surgical Relevance of anatomic variations of the right hepatic vein
Swiss Roll Operation for Giant Fibroadenomas
Taking the next step in 2005, the year of the diabetic foot.
The appendix and the inguina canal Amyands hernia a case report
The Diabetic Foot A Caribbean perspective
The hanging manoeuver to complete liver resection for a locally advanced angiosarcoma: a case report
The liver and Chilaiditi’s syndrome Significance of hepatic surface grooves – Case Report
The impact of the ATLS course on traffic accident mortality in Trinidad and Tobago
The slipping slipper sign a marker of severe peripheral diabetic neuropathy and foot sepsis
Thrombosed Varix Of The External Jugular Vein: Diagnostic Considerations
Thyroid surgery without drainage 15 years of clinical experience
Thyroidectomy: Indications, Technique and Perioperative Care.
Tracheoesophageal Fistula following blunt chest trauma
Transperitoneal Exclusion A simple third world solution
Treatment of Breast Lumps in the Teenager
Treatment of Infra-renal Aorto-Iliac
Trends in breast cancer mortality in Trinidad and Tobago A 35 Year Study
Trichobezoar presenting with comma sign in Rapunzel Syndrome a case report and literature review
The Bra Sign in Breast Cancer – Letter to the Editor
The economic impact of hospitalization for diabetic foot infections in a Caribbean nation.
The effectiveness of conservative management for retropharyngeal abscesses greater than 2 cm.
The history of laparoscopic general surgery in the Caribbean.
The impact of hereditary colorectal cancer on the Indian population.
The largest and neglected giant phyllodes tumor of the breast – A case report and literature review.
The steel pan sign of sigmoid volvulus-A case series.
The ‘Saw Tooth’ operation for giant fibroadenomas.
The use of loupe Magnification in Microsurgery in the Third-World A Trinidad Experience
Totally Laparoscopic Whipple’s Operation Initial Report from the Caribbean
Topical soft candle applications for infected diabetic foot wounds a cause for concern