Educational Surgical Videos

  1. Surgery for Ingrown Toenail   Jan. 25th 2021                 
  2. Transperitoneal Exclusion Operation for Aortic Aneurysm    Jan. 25th 2021                 
  3. Hydrocelectomy      Jan. 25th 2021                 
  4. Carotid Endarterectomy Jan. 25th 2021            
  5. Fissurectomy and Sphincterotomy     Jan. 25th 2021                 
  6. Inguinal Hernia Repair    Jan. 25th 2021          
  7. Anterior Tibial Tenotomy for Diabetic Foot Ulcer Jan. 25th 2021                 
  8. Incision and Drainage of a Breast Abscess      Jan. 25th 2021                 
  9. Tenotomy for Diabetic Foot Ulcer        Jan. 25th 2021                 
  10. High Ligation of the Saphenofemoral Junction for Varicose Veins Jan. 25th 2021                 
  11. Excision of Subfascial Lipoma      Jan. 25th 2021                 
  12. Rectus Repair for Ventral Hernia          Jan. 25th 2021                 
  13. Mastectomy and Axillary Lymph Node Dissection     Jan. 27th 2021                 
  14. Fistulectomy for Fistula in Ano    Feb. 8th 2021                   
  15. Definitive Treatment of Perianal Abscess     Feb. 8th 2021                   
  16. Radiocephalic Fistula      Feb. 9th 2021                   
  17. Sutureless Retrograde Total Thyroidectomy using Ligasure      Feb. 9th 2021                   
  18. Excision of a Sebaceous Cyst       Mar. 17th 2021                
  19. Umbilical Hernia Repair Mar. 17th 2021                
  20. Sebaceous Cyst Excision – Controlled Rupture Technique Mar. 17th 2021                
  21. Flush Ligation of the Saphenofemoral Junction With Anatomical Variations    Mar. 17th 2021         
  22. Haemorrhoidectomy       Mar. 17th 2021                
  23. Handsewn Colonic Anastomosis Mar. 26th 2021                
  24. Direct Inguinal Hernia Repair for Medical Students       Mar. 26th 2021                
  25. Excision of Sebaceous Cysts in all Their Shapes and Forms – for Medical Students    Mar. 31st 2021 
  26. Lipomas for Medical students: Subcutaneous vs Subfascial      Mar. 31st 2021                
  27. Open Appendicectomy: CT Guided      Mar. 31st 2021                
  28. Thyroidectomy for Retrosternal Goitre    Mar. 31st 2021                
  29. Drainage of a Perianal Abscess    Aug. 5th 2021                  
  30. Achilles Tendon Lengthening for Neuropathic Ulceration Aug. 5th 2021                  
  31. Below Knee Amputation        Aug. 5th 2021                  
  32. Excision of Epididymal Cysts     Aug. 5th 2021                  
  33. Surgical Management of a Diabetic Foot Aug. 5th 2021                  
  34. Above Knee Amputation         Aug. 5th 2021                  
  35. Controlled Rupture of a Sebaceous Cyst May 18th 2022                
  36. Sutureless Retrograde Thyroid Lobectomy using Ligasure          May 20th 2022                
  37. Non-mesh Repair of Large Ventral Hernia         May 20th 2022                
  38. Excision of Parathyroid Adenoma       May 20th 2022                
  39. Gouty Olecranon Bursa Excision May 20th 2022                
  40. Non-Mesh Repair for Inguinal Hernia       June 29th 2022                
  41. Non-Mesh Repair of Indirect Inguinal Hernia        June 30th 2022                
  42. Scarless Umbilical Hernia Repair- The Greenidge Operation      July 18th 2022                 
  43. Extracapsular Excision of a Deep Parotid Tumour        Aug. 3rd 2022                  
  44. Bandaging for the Prevention of Scrotal Hematomas    Aug. 3rd 2022                  
  45. Phytobezoar: A Consequence of orthorexia          Jan. 3rd 2023                   
  46. Carotid Endarterectomy Aug. 29th 2023                
  47. Retrosternal Goitre         Aug. 29th 2023                
  48. Excision Pyogenic Granuloma      Sept. 16th 2023               
  49. Posterior Triangle Cervical Node Biopsy  Sept. 16th 2023               
  50. Supra Clavicular Node Biopsy      Sept. 16th 2023               
  51. Minilap Cholecystectomy             Oct. 2nd 2023                  
  52. Eversion Carotid Endarterectomy              Oct. 2nd 2023                  
  53. Axillary Breast Tissue     Dec. 29th 2023 
  54. Fibroadenoma    Dec. 29th 2023
  55. Scarless, Non-Mesh Umbilical Hernia Repair (The Greenidge-Singh Operation)      Jan. 31st 2024
  56. Non-Mesh Inguinal Hernia Repair under LA     Jan. 31st 2024   
  57. Ligasure for Groin Node Biopsy   July 26th 2024  
  58. Excision Scalp Parosteal Lipoma July 26th 2024 
  59. Axillary Dissection Using Ligasure   July 26th 2024  
  60. Lipoma Aug. 29th 2024
  61. Flush Ligation and Stripping – Varicose Veins Aug. 29th 2024
  62. Perianal Abscess and Fistula Aug. 29th 2024